Learning Resources Megan Van Sipe Learning Resources Megan Van Sipe

Make Connections Through History With A History Timeline Notebook

The History Timeline Notebook is designed for creatively documenting historical events and enhancing your educational journey. This unique notebook features a continuous timeline that spans across its pages, allowing students to visually map out key events and understand historical connections. Ideal for homeschoolers, educators, and history enthusiasts, making history come alive. Dive into our blog post to explore innovative ways to use this notebook and transform your approach to learning history.

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Planning Megan Van Sipe Planning Megan Van Sipe

Creating an Interest-Led Learning Binder

The homeschool world is full of creative, fun printable resources for any interest we might want to follow! It took me a while to warm up to the idea of how and when to use these, but now that I have a system to use them in our home - they’ve become an adventure we all love.

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Curriculum Megan Van Sipe Curriculum Megan Van Sipe

Early American History Lessons Through Story

In our homeschool, we prioritize the use of story as a teaching tool. We can learn through story in pretty much any subject! But there is no better way to learn history than through story and biographies. Beautiful Feet Books has an Early American Enrichment Pack that caught my eye to add to our studies of early America not only because they are beautifully written, but they are vitally important voices to include as we learn the hard history of our country.

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Curriculum Megan Van Sipe Curriculum Megan Van Sipe

Creating Cozy Family Traditions with Young Children

We wanted traditions that would bring us together as a family - things that are the opposite of busy, stressful or feel like obligations. I think you might know what I mean when I say those words. We have all been there with certain traditions that feel like an expensive, chaotic whirlwind! We want to do it differently around here, but traditions can’t just be forced out of thin air.

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Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe

Charlotte Mason's Principle 3 & 4: Authority and Obedience in the Parent-Child Relationship

Our authority as parents and their obedience as children are a natural part of the parent and child relationship. That is a natural and necessary dynamic. The most important part of this principle is that she says the word: BUT. We have authority, they are expected to be obedient...but, there's more to that story!

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Meet My Homeschool Megan Van Sipe Meet My Homeschool Megan Van Sipe

Meet My Homeschool: A Read Aloud Family in Iowa

This post is part of the Meet My Homeschool series, highlighting the beauty of variety and individualism in homeschooling. Schools often strive for standards, but homeschools don't thrive that way - they thrive in authenticity, based on the needs and interests of the family that's learning together! Enjoy this peek into a real homeschool. Let us connect over our similarities, and marvel at our differences!

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Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe

Charlotte Mason's Principle 1: Children are Born Persons

The very first principle that Charlotte Mason lays down is the overarching philosophical thought of all of her ideas. To really grasp this one idea will put the rest of her approach into perspective. She says that children are born persons. The phrase isn’t so familiar the way she wrote it, but to put it in the most simple terms I can, I read it as:

Children are whole people, just as they are.

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Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe

A Week of Charlotte Mason First Grade Lessons

This is our first year of formal lessons now that we have a first grader! We are following the Charlotte Mason method for the most part, but there are some times where I just do what feels right for us. During our week you will see short lessons, narration, living books, a wide variety of subjects, and lots of time outdoors.

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Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe Homeschool Support Megan Van Sipe

I am, I can, I ought, I will...

When I discovered Charlotte Mason, one of the first quotes I came upon was her well-known motto, "I am, I can, I ought, I will". It struck me as one of the most empowering phrases I think I've ever heard. What I love about it is that we can each interpret her words in the way that means the most to us.

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Planning Megan Van Sipe Planning Megan Van Sipe

A Homeschooler's Guide to Choosing the "Best" Books

All books are not created equal. There's a lot out there to sort through! So I've decided to do a little round-up of the resources I use to help me find quality living books for our home that I hope will help you focus your energy on reading the best books, not hunting them down.

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Planning Megan Van Sipe Planning Megan Van Sipe

Charlotte Mason's Original Homeschooling Series

Miss Mason’s writings are rich with big ideas, even some that may completely change the way you parent, the way you look back on your own education, and how you approach educating your children in the future. She will change the way you look at the books on your shelves, the way you speak to your children, the movies you show them, the activities presented at library story time, the way other people speak to your children, the way you schedule your days… I could go on.

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